The salary of an auto mechanic is contingent upon a lot of different factors and changes by location. However, there is one commonality and that is the high earning potential for auto mechanics throughout the United States. The median pay for an auto mechanic, also classified as an automotive technician, is $38,470 per year. That figure was determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the salary of an auto mechanic encompasses a broad range and that is due to many different factors that go into the determination of that salary.
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Regional Differences in Pay

Auto Mechanic in Routine
Auto mechanics earn higher pay rates in certain parts of the country as location plays a key part in the determination of salaries. Here is a look at the median and top salaries for auto mechanics in each state based on data compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- Median: $38,6500 yearly ($17.62 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,510 yearly ($29.09 hourly)
Top 10%
- Median: $55,150 yearly ($26.52 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $78,960 yearly ($37.96 hourly)
Top 10%
- Median: $38,280 yearly ($18.40 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,580 yearly ($29.13 hourly)
Top 10%
- Median: $32,380 yearly ($15.57 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $56,370 yearly ($27.10 hourly)
Top 10%
- Median: $43,650 yearly ($20.99 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $73,410 yearly ($35.29 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $41,910 yearly ($20.15 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $68,380 yearly ($32.88 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $44,080 yearly ($21.19 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $66,080 yearly ($31.77 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $38,580 yearly ($18.55 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $61,380 yearly ($29.51 hourly)
top 10%
District of Columbia
- Median: $59,250 yearly ($28.48 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $123,730 yearly ($59.49 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,200 yearly ($16.92 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $62,110 yearly ($29.86 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,690 yearly ($17.16 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,710 yearly ($29.19 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $41,350 yearly ($19.88 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,480 yearly ($30.52 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $37,690 yearly ($18.12 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $61,150 yearly ($29.40 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $39,810 yearly ($19.14 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $75,250 yearly ($36.18 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $36,660 yearly ($17.63 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,950 yearly ($29.30 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $37,310 yearly ($17.94 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $57,090 yearly ($27.45 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $33,850 yearly ($16.28 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $58,850 yearly ($28.29 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $36,010 yearly ($17.31 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,120 yearly ($28.42 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,000 yearly ($16.83 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,240 yearly ($28.48 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,510 yearly ($17.17 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $56,020 yearly ($26.93 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $46,190 yearly ($22.21 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $71,370 yearly ($34.31 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $43,680 yearly ($21.00 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $70,340 yearly ($33.82 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $37,050 yearly ($17.81 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,520 yearly ($30.54 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $39,220 yearly ($18.86 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,290 yearly ($28.50 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $31,360 yearly ($15.08 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,300 yearly ($28.51 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $39,350 yearly ($18.92 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $61,100 yearly ($29.37 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,400 yearly ($17.02 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,590 yearly ($29.13 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $37,460 yearly ($18.01 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $61,350 yearly ($29.50 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $40,520 yearly ($19.48 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $62,590 yearly ($30.09 hourly)
top 10%
New Hampshire
- Median: $40,310 yearly ($19.38 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,490 yearly ($30.52 hourly)
top 10%
New Jersey
- Median: $44,980 yearly ($21.62 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $73,710 yearly ($35.44 hourly)
top 10%
New Mexico
- Median: $35,290 yearly ($16.97 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $58,690 yearly ($28.22 hourly)
top 10%
New York
- Median: $37,420 yearly ($17.99 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $68,050 yearly ($32.72 hourly)
top 10%
North Carolina
- Median: $37,720 yearly ($18.13 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,620 yearly ($30.59 hourly)
top 10%
North Dakota
- Median: $40,350 yearly ($17.44 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,730 yearly ($30.64 hourly)
Top 10%
- Median: $36,270 yearly ($17.44 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,560 yearly ($28.63 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,960 yearly ($17.29 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $62,050 yearly ($29.83 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $42,670 yearly ($20.51 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $63,850 yearly ($30.70 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $35,870 yearly ($17.25 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,750 yearly ($28.72 hourly)
top 10%
Rhode Island
- Median: $39,400 yearly ($18.94 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $60,340 yearly ($29.01 hourly)
top 10%
South Carolina
- Median: $35,920 yearly ($17.27 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $58,200 yearly ($27.98 hourly)
top 10%
South Dakota
- Median: $35,470 yearly ($17.05 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $54,090 yearly ($26.00 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $38,190 yearly ($18.36 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $62,120 yearly ($29.86 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $38,450 yearly ($18.49 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $65,140 yearly ($31.32 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $38,540 yearly ($18.53 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $67,110 yearly ($32.26 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $36,190 yearly ($17.40 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $53,620 yearly ($25.78 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $42,110 yearly ($20.25 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $68,130 yearly ($32.75 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $43,960 yearly ($21.13 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $72,270 yearly ($34.75 hourly)
top 10%
West Virginia
- Median: $27,470 yearly ($13.21 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $50,280 yearly ($24.17 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $37,490 yearly ($18.02 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $59,440 yearly ($28.58 hourly)
top 10%
- Median: $41,900 yearly ($20.14 hourly)
- Top 10 percent: $68,890 yearly ($33.12 hourly)
top 10%
Comparison of Annual Salaries by Work Setting
Auto mechanics find work in numerous settings as there are numerous opportunities in this field. Here is a look at the average salaries for auto mechanics in each of the most popular work settings. The average amounts have been calculated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Automobile Dealers
- Average: $44,770 yearly ($21.52 hourly)
Automotive Repair and Maintenance Shops
- Average: $38,710 yearly ($18.61 hourly)
Auto Parts, Accessories and Tires Stores
- Average: $35,920 yearly ($17.27 hourly)
Local Government (OES Designation)
- Average: $50,640 yearly ($24.35 hourly)
Gas Stations
- Average: $37,350 yearly ($17.96 hourly)
The highest population of auto mechanics are employed in automotive dealerships as that accounts for more than a quarter of all employment. The next highest concentration can be found in automotive repair and maintenance shops. Those two sectors are very close in terms of how many auto mechanics they employ. Next up is Auto Parts, Accessories and Tires Stores followed by Gas Stations and Local Government. Those averages also do not consider specialty certifications and master technician status.
Those salaries are national averages and they do not signify the highest earning potential for auto mechanics in each of those sectors. As auto mechanics gain more experience and accumulate more certifications, they can demand higher salaries. In the auto repair industry, labor costs are a key factor in the overall cost of repair. Many auto repair businesses place a premium on those labor costs and that bodes well for auto mechanic salaries.
Some auto mechanics earn their pay on a per-hour basis while others are on salary. Location and the type of auto repair setting both determine the exact payouts as they fluctuate according to each individual business.
Specialty Auto Mechanic Salaries
Diesel Engine Specialists/ Bus and Truck Mechanics
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There are average auto mechanic salaries reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which apply to automotive technicians who are not limited to working on cars and small trucks. It takes additional training to understand the specifics of repairing larger vehicles and different kinds of engines. Here is a look at the average salary amounts for specialty mechanics.
This average salary for these specialties is $45,170 yearly ($21.72 hourly). However, that does not show what a diesel/bus and truck mechanic can earn over the course of a year. The lower starting salary for these mechanics exist in general freight trucking. But there are other work settings that provide higher annual salaries. Those who work in an urban transit system earn average salaries of $50,680 annually. Diesel engine specialists can earn in excess of $60,000 per year while some states may pay even higher rates than that amount.
Master Technician/Manufacturer Specialist
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Without taking into consideration specific certifications, the average salary for auto mechanics increase in metropolitan areas. Fairbanks, Alaska checks in with the highest annual salary for auto mechanics at $57,420. San Francisco is a close second, followed by San Jose as the state of California has some cities with high earning potential for auto mechanics. Ann Arbor, Michigan checks in next and is the top paying city in terms of average salaries for auto mechanics. Pittsfield, Massachusetts is also seeing its auto technician salaries rising as that is also in the upper echelon of high-paying cities.